
Special Thing: Why I Love Bill Buchanan in 3:19

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Col. Tyrus Cassius McQueen at his finest. A little bit of TC McQueen has already come out in Bill Buchanan during the first four hours. As TC McQueen is one of my Top 10 favorite television characters, this excites me to no end. So go watch the clip and come back, i'll wait...


...awesome, huh? (and sorry it's a link, and not a cool embedded YouTube screen, i'm trying to figure out how to do that, but Blogger's not helping).

For the record, he flys out of the ship, tracks down Chiggy Von Richtofen (the alien Red Baron), avenges the death of his friend with badass flying manuevers and a couple of missles, and then returns to base and polishes off the aforementioned bottle of scotch. I love TC McQueen.


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