Pinch Hitter: 1 Thing About Day Six (8:00 PM -- 9:00 PM)
Maybe we can do better tonight, but I doubt it. I'll be taping the show, in most likelihood, because it's Opening Day, which is basically a Holy Day for me.
In the meantime, chew on a couple of these things re: Day Six:
1) Who cares about Denver?
3) How long until Audrey comes back?
4) Think Jerkass Phil's going to return?
5) Remember when Fayed was absolutely hardcore? Now he's a bickering simp.
6) Gredenko is the worst villain in the history of televison. I'd rather Jack go up against Boris & Natasha. At least Boris's Russian accent was convincing.
8) No, seriously, BRADY!
9) Okay, really. I'll admit it. As absolutely stupid the Brady plot was, I actually did care whether he took a bullet last week.
10) Milo and Nadia wish they were Tony and Michelle. That came off as nothing more than "Nadia's hot, I should totally kiss her".
11) Dear Bill Buchanan, please say, "Mike Doyle, I know Jack Bauer. Jack Bauer is a friend of mine. And you, sir, are no Jack Bauer."
12) Ugh.
keep your fingers crossed that tonight is better.
Random Thought Thing--
Cougar Thing: Snap Judgments and KMART!
Be ready for about 100 Tom "Brady" jokes. ...I'm just warning you.
Anyway, seriously? This is what we've come to? An hour of Yanosh holding his head in horror as Palpatine orders nuclear strikes for no reason, Karen Hayes and Mrs. Tidwell try to awake the dormant Commander-in-Chief Superiority of Palmeresque 2: This Time It's More Palmeresque, and Jack saves the day with Rain Man.
I'm just going to say it.
"What the hell happened to 24?"
...frak it, I'm going to re-watch the season finale of Battlestar Galactica. Or Wapner.
Yeah, definitely Wapner.
24 TADS (7:00 PM -- 8:00 PM)
Wow. It's been a while, huh? What can I say, other than I'm sorry. It's okay, though-- i got drastic tonight, and will likely be posting 24 things about TONIGHT and LAST WEEK. Without further ado, I give you 24 (or more) Things I Think I Thought I Thought About Day Six while bringing to you A COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIVEBLOG! Woot!
9::08 The drone is gone! Tech Terrorist is linked with the CTU satellites. He made the drone disappear. It was a really great idea to give Fayed access to the satellite grid back when the Day began, huh? 2.0 sucks as a president.
This concludes our live blog.
oh, yeah, Karen Hayes is back now. She’s still old lady cute. But whatever. Oh- Keifer acted his ass off when he learned about Audrey. Phenomenal.
Needs anger management, hug.
seriously? no way is she gone. no way.
Jack had all three kills. The first two were, in a word: surgical. I think we can officially consider him FINALLY BACK.
- He beat Contra without using the code. Without dying.
- He beat Mario 3 without using any warp whistles. In 20 minutes.
- He plays MarioKart blindfolded, and has never lost a race.
- He is the only person in the history of ever to successfully shoot the Duck Hunt dog.
Now that’s an hour! Great, great stuff there! If Audrey were alive (GUARANTEED THAT SHE IS) and the Pens hadn’t lost, I’d be mega-psyched right now.
Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the live blog. I’ll admit, it was kind of fun to type it up while watching. Perhaps I should invest in a laptop….
See yinz next week.
24 TADS (6:00 PM -- 7:00PM)
Well, Los Penguinos make me extremely happy. In light of the excitement generated by a 3-0 shutout of the hated Devils, in
Bite me, The Hills.
Doyle, raised by a single father who was an owner of a multinational toy company empire, grew up in a mansion stocked with arcade video games, a scale model freight train that ran throughout the house, and countless other amenities. Raised in the lap of luxury, his world fell apart after scandal rocked his father, an overgrown manchild himself, and his second wife, the luscious Erin Gray. After a 60 Minutes expose revealed that Eddie Toys were built in sweatshops throughout
Morris had better watch out.
Happier times.
5. INVASION! Holy Crap! Bill Buchanan’s gonna do it! We’re goin in after CCCP! Getting Jack back is secondary, but whatever—they’re gonna invade
13. Err...not. Screw it. This hour sucked. There should have been half an hour of Jack jumping Russian guardsmen like Batman and working his way out of the Consulate. Instead, he hid. And we spent a half hour reuniting Crazyass Marty and her live in paramour, the Awesome Aaron Pierce with Chuck. Unfortunately, Aaron has been totally emasculated by Crazyass Marty, who's SO CRAZY that she flipped her $#!+ and stabbed Chuck in the ...umm..rotator cuff. But, apparently, she almost totally nailed his artery. So the hour ends with Chuck flatlining on the way to the hospital. Does he die, tune in next week! Important things only happen as hours end!
What about Jack, you ask? Oh...well, he hacked and slashed his way out of the Consulate in true Leonidas/Bauertastic Style. Wha? No. he, umm, hid. AND WAITED FOR RICKY SCHROEDER TO SAVE HIM (after, of course, Crazyass Marty settled down and MADE THAT PHONE CALL). By the way, she convinced the Russian First Lady to convince the Russian President that CCCP was EVIL and that CTU should be allowed to invade Russian territory and kill Russian citizens in oh...about 2 minutes.After all of this, Bearded Bad and Bald Bad launched a drone, anyway.
what a piece of crap super-boring hour.
I'm going to watch Casino Royale and bask in the glory of Daniel Craig and the pure and utter absolute beauty of Eva Green-- the only woman that could steal me away from Audrey.
You're on notice 24. Get cool again, toot suite!
Random Thing-- 24 March Madness
THIS is much cooler than anything I could've written about the abject boringness that was this week's hour. Nevertheless, I'll have 24-Things for you soon, right after I finish celebrating the PGH Arena Deal, filling out my Mascot Bracket, watching the Pens v. the Devils, going to see 300...again, and working through both discs of my brand-spanking-new Casino Royale set.
I heart Eva Green.
Like, a lot.
anyway, go check out that link, then come back sometime around Thursday....maybe Friday. I forgot that it's Comic Book Day.
(this post is an excellent summation of all things that I dig. plus baseball)
24 TADS: (5:00PM -- 6:00PM)
1. I hate NBC. First they cancel “Studio 60”. Then they subject me to “Deal or No Deal,” where I just wasted 20 minutes of my life watching a woman who “has porch furniture in her living room” greedily pass up a $125,000 payday…only to be rewarded with $405,000. I hate this country. Cap’s probably glad he’s dead. Oh, and then NBC puts “Heroes,” a television show made specifically for my enjoyment, up against 24, and to make matters worse, taunts me with the promise of a Spider-Man 3 sneak preview sometime between 9 and 10 PM. Well screw you, NBC. The tomatoes have DVR. Baha.
2. I wish someone would’ve warned me that this would be my pop culture week of doom. Yesterday, we lost Kara “Starbuck”
3. The Secret Service has no creativity. Citadel? Really? What a weak presidential code name. I think 2.0’s code name should be “New Coke,” "The University of Phoenix", or (of course) “Eli Manning”. I’ll put it up to a vote. That, or feel free to share your own suggestions.
4. If ya smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllalalalalala…. To sum up Jack’s pre-limo conference with
5. Jack Bauer: Secret Service Agent. It’s official, Aaron Pierce has just been eclipsed as the Greatest Secret Service Agent of All Time. As a sidenote: Natty likes Jack in the suit, but she’s really torn up by the fact that Jack’s not wearing his tight grey shirt anymore.
I don't know if Natty can make it in a nippleless world.
6. Great Line #14. While trying to appeal to Jack’s spiritual side by relating his house arrest to Jack’s Chinese incarceration,
7. DAMMIT! Assad, aka Baltar = DEAD. Honestly, this bothers me more than the loss of Tony. At least he died to save the President. Even in his death, he one-upped Jack. All Jack ever did was survive while saving the President, he’s not cool enough to make the ultimate sacrifice (::crosses fingers, spits three times::)
I also considered using pictures of Baltar and the Macho Man, but those options were too geeky.
8. HA! GOT IT! The identity of the Secretary of Defense, one of those quintessential “I’ve seen that guy somewhere a billion times before guys,” has been escaping me for two days. Or, right up until I started to type this. It was driving me nuts, on the tip of my brain, y’know. Now it hits me—he was the Police Chief in the Sly Stallone Classic (not sarcasm) Demolition Man! Hopefully he can come up with a better plan than (to paraphrase) “We can just wait for another [suitcase nuke] to go [off]. And when [Fayed] performs another Murder Death Kill, we'll know exactly where to pounce!” Full disclosure: I Googled for a quote.
9. Dum-dum-dum-dum-da-dum, dum-da-dum. Anyone else hear the Imperial March as Vice-President Palpatine assumed power and entered the bunker? Anyone? Jerry, Natty, put your hands down, you don’t count—I was whistling it.
10. 10-20 on Yanosh? Well, I’d like a 10-82 with Hotness, I wonder if Morris is still 10-41, I wish Chaz would go 10-169, and this episode needs WAY more 10-32s. Wikipedia is a wonderful thing.
11. Brokeback White House. Chaz to assassin: “We cannot kill Yanosh!” Assassin to Chaz: “Why not?!?” Chaz: “Because I love him.” Okay, maybe it didn’t go that way, but it sure felt like it was going to.
12. PSYCHE!!!! YES! Go Yanosh! Well, folks, that there is YOUR Diamond Cutter Moment. I can’t believe that Yanosh totally punk’d Chaz like that, and had them all (himself included) arrested/detained for the attempt on Palmeresque’s life. Well. Frakkin’. Played. I knew there was a reason I supported that little weasel during the first six hours. Waitasecond…. did the political storyline just get me to cheer? Dammit. We need more guns, pronto!
13. “What do you think I’m going to do, Jack? Request asylum? If it’s any consolation, I don’t think they’d take me”. My former roommate, Kup, said it best, “I did not realize how much I missed having Charles Logan in my life.” True that. What a great, funny-ass line.
14. Okay, interlock the ring fingers, squeeze four times, then gimme paw…I’m pretty sure that
God bless you, Google Images.
15. A proud alumnus of the Ed Rendelphia
17. Everyone needs a gimmick, I suppose. Jack breaks into another Consulate, because having one Communist Superpower pissed at you just isn’t enough. Overachiever.
18. It took five-point-five years, but we’re learning. CTUers have just stopped second-guessing Jack. Finally. Though it makes them pretty irrelevant now. I love that Chloe answered her cell phone and agreed to cut the power to the Russian Consulate before Jack could even finish asking her to.
19. Obviously, she was flying JetBlue. A cheap, easy joke, I know. Again, 24 of these things ain’t easy. Anyway, apparently Karen Hayes has been chillin’ at Ronald Reagan since we last saw her. Upon hearing the news of the assassination attempt, she decides to pull herself up by her bootstraps, belay that whole “resignation, schmesignation,” and head back to the White House! The way she travels, she should be back with the Cabinet by the middle of Day Eight.
Ps: the music here was awesome.
20. The East Coast Groove. Lisa, VP Palpatine’s assistant, is one attractive apkGirl. Very blonde, very pale, very W.A.S.P.-y, very wearing a suit. She reminds me of Elsa from Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade, though I seriously doubt it’s her. That being said….yowza.
21. Interesting Predicament. Though it’s incumbent of me to remind you that when the coolest stuff in an episode is found in the political subplot, it probably means that you’ve got a weak episode on your hands, the stuff between Palpatine and Yanosh was pretty great. In essence, Yanosh’s plan (which he still believes is the only way to stop the attacks) can only be implemented at the expense of his own integrity. He has to cover up the stuff about the assassination attempt and keep Chaz from justice so that he can save lives. This is really clever writing, and a great twist. However, I’d really prefer a few more freakin’ explosions, thanks.
22. Bill? Sup? Nothin. Sup with you? …umm..well. Jack reports back to CTU that he “may have a situation,” being that he broke into the Consulate, took CCCP prisoner, tripped the alarm, and is now stuck. Bill Buchanan, the Greatest Boss on Earth, takes this all completely in stride. The best part of it all, though, is that Jack Bauer Just. Doesn’t. Care. About. Anything. Anymore. He’s getting his answers, or your fingers. He doesn’t care—he just wants to save lives.
On the other hand, he’s so stupid that he tries to escape out of the hallway door, instead of that big window.
23. Snip! Gross.
…err… .awesome. I’m a manly-man!
ewwwwww, they showed the stump.
24. FINALLY off the schnide. Jack Bauer, now 1-4 in interrogations this season. Perhaps he only has interrogation mojo in an Assad-less world? Anyway, CCCP cracked and Jack now knows that Bearded Bad is going to tie suitcase nukes to Predator drones and fly ‘em into their targets. Wheels are up in 2 hours.
In honor of the Penguins, we head to OVERTIME:
Bullet points of DOOM:
- Who wants to bet that Jack’s captured for slightly under 2 hours?
- Holy crap, how easy was it for Jack to flip that Russian guard? That guy was so full of integrity that I instantly started to refer to him as Aaronslov Pierkofsky. Pity he’s already dead.
- Bill Buchanan has just shifted into TC McQueen mode with this sentence, “I need the option to take the Consulate by force”. The man for the job? Ricky Schroeder, who joins the cast next week!
- Remind me to tell you about the 24 telephone number next time. This week’s number? 310-597-3781. I tried to call it, but only got a Spanish message.
- We’ve reached the tipping point! Habeas Corpus has basically been suspended by Palpatine, Jack is the only good guy with knowledge of Bearded Bald’s plan—but Jack’s in Russian custody, CTU’s getting ready to invade sovereign Russian territory (and we all know where shenanigans like that got Thumper and Cobra in Iron Eagle II), and Palmeresque is still unconscious. Things are heating up on the Relatively Nonstop but Kinda Slow at Times Season of 24! ON FOX!
-Player of the Game is Chuckles Logan. Awesome in so many ways.
-Stats have been discontinued. Sorry.
Be good teach other, I’ll catch up with the last two hours, soon. Hopefully.
FUNNY THING: Eli Manning is Palmeresque
As for updates, I hope to get to THIS WEEK'S HOUR soon, then fill in the rest as time goes by. Life is, in a word, "hectic" right now. Don't think I don't miss all four of you that read this stuff.
...I wonder if Jack would like to take over as Captain America.
RANDOM THING: Logan Returns
It's sad when I can't even wait for me to post so I can use these ideas, isn't it? Last week's update will be here soon, just keep wishin/hopin/believing/flapping your wings like the kid from Angels in the Outfield.
really, that bit where the music interrupted his announcement was pretty great.
24 TADS: (2:00 PM -- 3:00 PM)
Seriously? These posts are the only thing I hate about 2 HOUR 24 EVENTS on FOX! Writing 48 things is easy. Typing them up—not so much. Enough bellyaching, though, it’s time that I get back at it and hook you up with 24 Things I Thought I Thought About Day Six while watching Mike Rowe paddle around in a manmade pond of liquid cow manure extract on what may be the best reality/docu show in the history of TV, Discovery’s Dirty Jobs. If you’ve not watched this show, you should start. Also, I hate the Tampa Bay Lightning.
1. “Nice Jacket.” We’re right back at it for the second hour of Day Six’s SECOND 2 HOUR 24 EVENT. LIVE! from the International Tomato HQ, where the King Tomato has just informed me that Bearded Bad, Evil Russian Patriot Vladimir Gredenko, was the bum that Christian Bale gave his jacket to in Batman Begins. I was going to check on IMDB, but it appears that the network in my apartment is on the fritz. Sadly, there will be a lack of pretty pictures to this update, too. Edit: I’m back online, baby! IMDB confirms it. Man, that Jerry’s smart (obviously, he looked it up in order to make the blog) Additionally, did you realize that Bearded Bad has also appeared as the Scientist Guy that created Chimera/Bellerophon in MI:2? Sprout also reports that he’s previously played the part of “Sinister Russian” in the Val Kilmer classic, The Saint. Knowledge is power, people. The more you know… (Cue shooting star, peacock).
2. Riiiiiight…. Okay, the CTUniverse Clock is showing 2:04, and in the approximately six minutes since Jack saved LA from suitcase nuke #2, CTU has hacked, decrypted, and analyzed all of the information in the computer that Bald Bad left behind during his mad-dash escape from the hideout. This is the same CTU, mind you, that couldn’t track an $80,000 Maserati through the LA suburbs even though they had six dozen cameras and a helicopter on it.. Sure, sure.
(exhales). I bet he's thinking, "Man, it's great to be home."
Well, he couldn't possibly be anywhere else.
If you know why this picture is awesome, you are one of my closet friends.
14. ??????? Whatever it was that Jack just said to Aunt Hottie was missed by us all. If I’ve learned anything from Day Six, it’s these two things: 1) Never let a woman drive your Maserati, 2) Never let a woman drive your remote control. Nice job, Nat.
17. Things Must Be Picking Up. My notes are falling to pieces, which is a clear sign that things are getting exciting and my note-taking has become haphazard. The good news is that I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO.
23. He learned the game from his Uncle Jack, now he’s afffffffffffffter the name…Jack Bauuuer, Jack Bauer, Jr! Kim to Phil, “I know that you’re lying to me.” Damn skippy, Kim! Even though I titled this post after lyrics from the James Bond, Jr. cartoon show, I don’t know that Kim deserves to be lumped in with his uncle, Jack. Frankly, Junior's shown an uncanny knack of calling Phil’s shenanigans when no one else in the family can. Perhaps he’s adopted.
Honestly, after watching this YouTube clip, I need a DVD of James Bond, Jr. episodes. Look out he’s comin’ through—he’s got a job to do, while he rescues the girl! Jammmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Bonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd!
24. ON THE RUN!! Forget that Harry Temple died the exact same way as Jack’s entire Tact Team, I’d just like to point out that I find it to be incredibly fortunate (for Phil, at least) that Phil happened to have another house wired to blow up mere blocks from where Aunt Hottie was taking Jack. I suppose since Opie knew where to find the Russians, Phil would have as well? Ugh. Logic hurts. Anyway, the explosion was awesome, Milo and Aunt Hottie are on the run, Milo blowing up the UPS van was awesomer, and despite that fact that I’ve done nothing but bitch and point out plotholes during this entire hour, I pretty much loved every frakkin’ second of it, and I wish that 24 was called 48 and was on for two hours every week. Because that was a superbly entertaining 2 HOUR 24 EVENT OF SPECTACULARNESS.
Stats: I’ve got no good stats for this second hour. There may have been a "dammit," but I dunno. No terrorist casualties, though. However, CTU lost another Tact Team, I think CiderJack’s still alive, and MMM’s the Player of the Game, for no other reason than setting off all of the grenades and running like hell was a pretty solid plan. Pity he’s deader than disco next hour..
Final Verdict: 5 out of 5 David Palmers learning Sherri Palmer and throwing her off the campaign trail. Yup. More great stuff that made me anxiously await the next week. What more do you want from your TV? I harp about logic, but I don’t care. If I want tight, logic-based storytelling, I’ll watch Grey’s Anatom…no. Umm, I’ll watch Lost…nope. Umm.. got it—I’ll watch Dirty Jobs. See how it always comes full circle?
Be good to each other, and shame on you all for not commenting on Homey the Clown last week. Personally, I thought that was pretty great.
This is, bar none, the coolest Jumbotron movie I've ever seen in my entire life. So you can visualize how it works in the arena, about five minutes before the teams take the ice, the house lights go pitch black, and this fantastic little movie kicks up. It is supremely badass.
In light of this, I hope you can forgive me for being so far behind on my recaps.